
Passengers departing Dublin Airport after 8.30 a.m. should check the airport’s latest advice.

The Dublin Airport Authority has provided “updated” advise to travelers in regards to security screening delays at Dublin International Airport.

Over the last several weeks, images of lengthy lines forming outside terminal buildings at the busiest hours have been circulating on social media platforms.

Travelers going to Europe or the United Kingdom are now advised to arrive at Dublin Airport up to two and a half hours before the departure of their flight, according to the airport.

The DAA said in a statement released today that “the recommended for long-haul travellers is up to 3.5 hours.” Passengers on short-haul flights departing after 08.30 are urged not to be at the airport earlier than 06.00 if their flight is scheduled to depart after 08.30.

It is anticipated that this would “reduce strain” on the passenger security screening area and allow for a “improved airside travel experience” during the hectic initial wave of leaving aircraft before 8.30am, according to the Department of Aviation.

According to Dublin Airport, there is “no need” for travellers to come earlier than two and a half hours before a short-haul flight.

Daa suggests that travellers check with their airline in advance of traveling to the airport about when check-in and luggage drop-off opens and that they schedule their arrival at the airport depending on the information they get from their airline. Passengers are also asked to check in for their flights online, if at all feasible, according to the announcement.

As a result of “continuous delivery of better queue times” at security screening since the end of March, including during the busy Easter weekend, the DAA said it was revising its passenger guidance.

Security screening in Terminal One will be open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, while security screening in Terminal Two will be open from 4 a.m. to assist reduce queue times.

According to the statement, as the height of the summer season approaches, passenger guidance will be reviewed on a regular basis over the coming weeks.

Between Good Friday and Easter Monday, approximately 200,000 travelers used Dublin International Airport, according to the airport. This is the biggest number recorded during a four-day period in a row since Christmas 2019.

According to the DAA, the “great majority” of passengers passed through security in less than 40 minutes last weekend in both terminals, with just a “small percentage” taking longer during peak periods.

Several factors, the statement continued, have enabled Dublin Airport to keep queue levels “consistently at moderate levels” over the past few weeks. These include the successful deployment of a staff taskforce in the terminals, the continued refinement of security queuing systems and rostering at peak times to cope with growing demand for air travel, and adherence by passengers to the DAA’s arrival time advice.

As a result of a considerable rise in demand for foreign travel, Dublin Airport is now in the process of employing around 300 more security screening personnel to assist it fulfill the demand.

During the previous two weeks, more than 250 individuals have been selected for further consideration.

The statement concluded that, while successful candidates are being trained, Garda vetted, and subjected to mandatory security checks over the next few weeks, a process that will take approximately five to six weeks, the DAA is working to ensure that the “maximum number” of security lanes are available at all times in both terminals, according to the statement.

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